OHS Laws and Regulations in Newfoundland and Labrador

A workplace must have a functioning OHS system in Newfoundland and Labrador. This OHS system must consist of an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Committees, Worker Health and Safety (WHS) Representative or Designate.

Source: Workplace NL

OHS Committee

  • An advisory group comprising both management and worker representatives.
  • Encourages collaboration between employers and workers to address health and safety concerns.
  • Responsibilities include receiving and documenting worker concerns, participating in inspections, and promoting educational programs.

Worker Health and Safety Representative (WHS)

  • Required at worksites with fewer than 20 employees.
  • A worker not connected with management is selected as the WHS representative.
  • Responsibilities include receiving and documenting worker concerns, participating in inspections, and promoting educational programs.

Workplace Health and Safety Designate

  • Applicable when a WHS representative is impractical (e.g., high turnover or all part-time staff).
  • For workplaces with less than six employees.
  • The WHS designate can be a worker connected with management or, if necessary, the employer.